Dental Bonding Vs. Veneers: Which One Is Right For You?

Posted on: 19 September 2017
If you have any tooth aberrations, like chips, discoloration, or gaps, you may be looking into cosmetic dentistry procedures. Two popular options for fixing imperfections are veneers and dental bonding. But each procedure has its pros and cons, so of course, it's a good idea to compare them both and pick the one that's best suited for your situation: What is Dental Bonding? A dental bond (also known as composite bonding) is just what it sounds like: a resin is bonded to your tooth.
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Why The Dentist May Make You Wait Before Dealing With Your Dental Emergency

Posted on: 23 August 2017
Sometimes the pain from a toothache becomes so unbearable there's no question in your mind it's a dental emergency. Maybe it's some other dental issue plaguing you. However, the dentist's office still schedules you for weeks out, rather than immediately. Is the dentist being unnecessarily cruel? Or, is there some other reason he or she cannot help you immediately? It's Probably Not an Emergency Many dental problems aren't actually emergencies. They can seem that way, but often, what you think of as an emergency is a common problem.
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Questions About Fixed Bridge Dental Implants

Posted on: 27 July 2017
A dental bridge can be supported by natural teeth or by dental implants. The bridge is designed to replace lost teeth by filling the gap left by the missing structures. However, in order for the bridge to function naturally, without moving about, the bridge must be fixed in the mouth for stabilization. As a result, dental bridges usually include dental crowns on each end of the device. The bridge crowns fit over natural teeth or dental implants to secure the bridge into position.
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Why You Should Have Your Teeth Whitened At The Dentist

Posted on: 12 July 2017
Your dentist can do everything from cleaning your teeth to performing an emergency root canal, as well as several things in-between. One important thing that they can do for you is whitening your teeth. This is something that most dentists do regularly, and they often do an incredible job. This article will discuss why you should have your teeth whitened at the dentist. The Process Is Quick When you purchase a teeth whitening kit at your local drugstore, it is likely going to take at least one week to begin to see the results of the whitening agent.
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